Solitary Beast Featured on Strong Successful Male

After work Wednesday evening, I crashed on the couch, while looking over analytics to Solitary Beast.

I’m happy to report that our ranks are growing, with more men than ever reading the blog, commenting on posts, and signing up the exclusive newsletter. Sign up yourself below so you don’t miss a post.

However, I noticed a surge of traffic on my already super popular post, “Why Men In Their Thirties Are Still Single”.

I investigated, and found out that a massive Youtube channel, Strong Successful Male, had featured the post in a video. He offered a glowing review, and left a link from his video to the blog.

He called it,

“…Hands down, one of the BEST articles that I’ve found thus far, since I started this channel”

Suffice it say, I was floored.

Already A Fan

I’ve been following Strong Successful Male for at least a year. When I first came across his videos, he had a few thousand subscribers. The channel has exploded in just a short time, now up over 95K, and well on his way to even bigger numbers than that.

I am humbled, and honestly thrilled that a guy with a following like that would showcase my writing on his huge platform. In the video, Strong Successful Male actually read my entire post, over 2600 words, in the 18 minute video.

My Heart Grew 3 Sizes

I am fiercely proud of this blog, and my chest continues to swell as I get more and more recognition from my peers in this space. Remember that another huge Youtube creator, Coach Greg Adams, mentioned a post from the blog just a few months ago. Read about it here, “Solitary Beast Shouted Out By Coach Greg Adams“.

Thanks Guys

Thanks to all the men who have joined this tribe, and help it continue to grow.

I appreciate y’all massively.

Glad to know you’re getting some value out of my thoughts and words.

-Solitary Beast